Monday, August 25, 2014


 I hung out with Danny for a bit, before he headed down to the beach with a friend. I rode the Long Island Railroad, and took a cab to Corey's house to get my bike. I walked up to his house and noticed that his car was parked really close to the house.... and the fence on the opposite side. I pulled my bike out of the garage in the backyard and realized immediately that there was no way in hell my bike was fitting thru there haha. I packed everything up on my bike, and stole Corey's highway pegs off his bike! I tried to fit my bike thru the small walkway on the other side of the house...... no dice. Well Corey is in Cancun with Pam on their honeymoon.... perfect haha. I sent him a message on Facebook, but figured he wouldn't see it for awhile. I found Peg, Pam's mom on Facebook and wrote her a message with my phone number..... in about 10 minutes she called me! she cam over about 20 min later and unlocked the front door to the house, the car keys were sitting right inside the door.... Thanks again Peg!!!
 Finally got on the road to head back to Brooklyn, right in time for rush hour traffic. Took me about 2 hours to get to the Harley dealership that my new friend Erik works at. We sat down and talked about a design for HD wallets for them. And in the meantime the service department changed the oil, spark plugs, and washed my bike..... for free. Thank you NYC Harley Davidson!!
 I walked from Danny's to a bar called Battery Harris, and met up with a few people from Instagram. Gotta love Social Media! Kate, Jake, and Jeff. Jake had recently gotten into motorcycles, and Jeff had recently ridden cros country, from Phoenix to Brooklyn. So we hungout for awhile and talked. I've met some really cool people so far.

   ^ Real funny Corey!!!!
   ^ Thanks again Peg, for getting me free, and back on the road!! haha
   ^ NYC HD hooking my bike up!!!

   ^ Under the train bridge in Brooklyn. Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands. I love Skateborading.

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