Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Woke up after getting into Sadler Creek State Park in South Carolina. It's pretty damn awesome setting up in a campsite late at night, with absolutely no idea where you are.... then waking up and seeing how amazing the place is. Left there and rode thru Anderson, SC (Ed?).... Super cool little town, awesome brick houses on large open properties. Everything is green, no dirt or dry brush anywhere. Just about every exit in SC has a fireworks stand.... not the crap they sell in CA...... Better bet I'll be bringing some home with me.... Rode right thru Greenville, and Spartanburg, and into Gastonia, North Carolina. Stopped for gas and lunch.... and the rain started. The rain wasnt to bad, and was off and on until I got to Greensboro, got soaked worse then in Alabama. I stopped twice between Greensboro and Durham. Both times, it wasn't raining, and as I was pouring the water out of my boots.... it started again. It was chasing my ass!!! After that the rain stopped the rest of the way up NC, and into Virginia. I stopped in South Hill, VA. and decided to stay north towards Richmond. As it got dark the rain started again, but lightly. So, I figured I'd stop in Richmond for the night, but when I got there I felt pretty good, rode over the James River and kept on. I rode about another 100 miles to Alexandria, VA. Found a motel online... after getting lost thanks to my GPS, I finally got into my room around midnight. Glad I made it that far...... but the last 50 or so miles on a dark, rainy, unfamilar highway, with a lot of traffic...... burned me out.

   ^ Woke up to this. Sadler Creek State Park, South Carolina.

   ^ attempting to hide form the rain during lunch in Gastonia, NC.

   ^ Riding with soaked clothes on a traffic filled highway for about 60-70 miles kicked my ass. Between my drenched leather jacket, jeans, and boots..... felt like an extra 100lbs.

   ^ Getting off my ass for a few, just past the VA stateline, before riding another 195 miles to Alexandria, VA. just outside of Washington DC.

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