Thursday, September 11, 2014


  I had breakfast at a little restaurant near my hotel, and headed north back to highway 90, then west into Wyoming. I cut off to ride through a few small towns and over to Devils Tower National Monument.
 As I got off the highway, I saw an older guy on the side of the road on an old Harley. I pulled over, and he told me he had ran out of gas. I offerd him the gas I had with me, but he said had someone on the way. We talked for a few minutes about riding cross country.
I rode to Devils Tower, and paid to go into the park. I parked and walked the 1.5 mile trail around Devils Tower. It was really cool!!
 I rode a few more hours and went through Bighorn National Forest. Which was unbelievable! Except for the part where I ran out of gas haha. Good thing I brought gas with me! As it got dark the wind came up, and got really bad. I read later on the news that there were 35-40mph gusts. I was riding sideways for a longtime haha. I finally made it to Cody Wyoming around 10pm and found a motel. I thought about camping, but it was supposed to get down to about 35!

  ^ Devils Tower was the first US Monument.

   ^ Tenspell Canyon in Bighorn National Forest.

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